Bedford is split into two areas, Central Bedfordshire and Bedford Borough. The targeted lung health check team have now invited the majority of the Central Beds area.
The team will be sending invites out to the rest of central Beds over the coming months. If you receive a letter please do contact the team to book your appointment and benefit from a lung health check.
If you believe you are eligible and have not received an invite, or have not replied to it, please contact the team. Contact details below
What to expect
If you are eligible, you will receive a letter or text message inviting you for an initial Lung Health Check.
The initial assessment will take place over the phone or in person with a health professional. During the initial Lung Health Check, you will be asked some questions about your breathing, overall lung health, lifestyle and family and medical history.
There are three possible results from your lung health check:
- No problems found - the health professional may find nothing further to investigate and you will be discharg ed from the lung health check programme. We will write to your GP to tell them this.
- Referral to your GP - if problems with your breathing or lung health are found, you might be referred to your GP. The team will write to your GP so they know about the outcome.
- Offered a scan of your lungs - If you are assessed to be at a higher risk of lung cancer now or in the future you will be offered a scan of your lungs (a Low Dose CT scan). test
Location and contact details
Central Bedfordshire Lung Health Checks Team
Telephone: 01582 497141
(Please wait while the site is active and you have received your appointment invite before contacting the team).
Central Bedfordshire Stop Smoking Service
Telephone: 0800 013 0553