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Booking appointments

If you have received an invite and would like to book your appointment ...

If you have received an invitation from your local Lung Cancer Screening Team and would like to book your appointment, details should be provided on your invite letter, however contact details for your team are also available on the location pages and contact pages of this website for reference.

If you have heard about the Lung Cancer Screening Programme (formerly Targeted Lung Health Checks) coming to your area, and would like an appointment but haven’t received an invite yet ...

Appointments are being released in stages and by specific GP practices, it is best to wait for appointments to be offered in your area.

You may be eligible for a lung health check as part of the Lung Cancer Screening Programme, if you are in the 55-74 age group, are registered with a participating GP practice, and are a current or past smoker. If you think your GP may not know your smoking history or status it is worth making sure they know  - as this will influence whether you receive an invite. 

You can also express an interest in taking part with your local Lung Cancer Screening Team details are available on the website location pages and contact pages.

If you think you have received an invite in error ...

Invites are being sent to people who do not have symptoms of lung cancer and who have not reported symptoms, so unless you have never smoked, when you receive an invite it is most likely intended for you. However, if you have never smoked, please contact the lung cancer screening team on your letter so you can be removed from our contact list.

If you are nervous about attending a lung health check ...

It can be worrying attending any screening, but the lung health checks are quite straightforward, pain free and cost free. They start with a simple assessment with a health professional, then for those people who are at higher risk they are invited for a scan. Scans are quick, they are not claustrophobic – the scanner passes over you, they are not harmful and they are over very quickly. It is a quick assessment that should provide peace of mind and if any issues are identified you will have all the support you need. More info about the scans are provided here.

If you have further questions about your lung health check or lung cancer screening ...

You can contact your Lung Cancer Screening Team for further information about the checks if you feel you need some reassurance or to discuss it further.